Exam is a compulsive phase of a student life where we understand what we have learnt from our teachers. But unfortunately today's rat race have instigated an assortment of fear around self worth . While preparing for an exam , we create a fear of failing and then thought creates stress and anxiety, which makes difficult to concentrate or focus in our studies.
How Meditation can help in this situation?
How Meditation can help in this situation?
- What is Meditation? Meditation is a tool, that can help you clear your mind, reign your thoughts back out of the illusion of gloomy future, which is created in mind and diminish anxiety.
- Some techniques : Few meditation techniques are discussed below; you can practice any one; but regularly and consistently.
- Concentrate: Focussing anything, like regulation of your breath, or sound of anything - rain or wind blowing or observing a candle flame. At the beginning you will feel boring and thousands of thoughts will whizz through your mind, but by regular practice of chasing your random thoughts and just letting them go, concentrate on that particulate thing.
- Walking : Walk in a calm place being aware and try to feel the ground beneath your feet, as you put each and every step. Watch your breathing process too and also be aware of the surrounding natural sounds, normally which you ignore and feel peaceful with the nature.
- Utter a particular phrase for sometime: Utter and feel a particular phrase like 'Happy Exam' repeatedly several times - be undisturbed with stray thoughts while doing so.
- Guided Meditation: Concentrate fully to a music or a positive conversion, making your mind blissful and distraction free, you can take help of you tube for this.
- Radiate positive vibes: Sit in a particular place, be calm and think good for yourself, for others, and for everybody. Think somebody helped you, or something you love about yourself, or something good is happening with you - you will experience joy and happiness.
Anyone that suits you practice daily for 10 to 15 minutes and have a beautiful, healthy and blissful mind and enjoy your exam.
Stress free exercises will be posted in the next episode.
Spot on article! Parents and peer pressure is taking the school world by storm. Every other day there is a disheartening news about children giving up on life because of education pressure. Very apt article in such times. But only if parents could also meditate along with children and help them have a smooth ride with exams.